Enhancement and Support for New and Established Businesses, through Research an Innovation
Identification of the needs of the enterprise in areas of research and technology, targeted towards a fast and up-to-date development process for products/services with high added value.

Reinforcing Business Competitiveness in the Global Environment
Strengthening competitiveness, extroversion and sustainable development through the integration of an innovation strategy, fully within the goals and vision of the enterprise.

Open Innovation - Networking - Strategic Partnerships
Adopting a model of Open Innovation, in order to track down the most qualified potential collaborators and pursue strategic partnerships and synergies with private enterprises, universities, research institutes and public bodies.

Strategic regional development, through Innovation
With a region’s comparative advantages under consideration and relating to the operation of
> Know-how transfer to public administration (Ministries, Regions)

Economic and organizational transformation of Regions, through Smart Specialization
The compilation of regional Smart Specialization Strategies, is now a prerequisite for the approval of the Regional Operational Programmes, for the 2014-2020 programming period.
This strategy consists of actions which exploit political support and guide investments, according to specific, basic regional priorities, challenges and needs for development based on knowledge, while utilizing the key attributes of each region.
RISE – Research & Innovation Strategy Experts participates in a range of supporting groups for various regions in this strategic preparatory groundwork.
Key elements of the Regional Innovation Strategy (RIS3) model.

Boosting financial figures through Innovation
In today’s difficult economic context, both for the country and businesses operating within, the primary goal for viable and healthy development lies in the consolidation of and Innovation culture.
RISE – Research & Innovation Strategy Experts provides specialized services, rendering the client’s comparative advantages in its capacity to reinforce the business/organization and offer its reliable expertise in the fields of research and innovation.
RISE has already supported a significant number of businesses in successfully employing a model of Open Innovation, which, in combination with the IMP3rove methodology, yields impressive results in terms of profits, development and consolidation
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