Innovation Stress Test
With the aid of modern tools like the IMP3rove platform, the needs of the business can be investigated in relation to areas of research, technological development and innovation. On the basis of such refined analysis, we can seek answers to the following:
- the level of innovation capacity for the business and its relevant position in comparison to similar organizations,
- the pin-pointing of weak aspects and their causes, which need improvement and development,
- the level of technology and the Innovation Index, in relation to other corresponding international businesses, regarding on how well innovation has been integrated into the business strategy.
Using the findings of the above analysis, as well as our own developed tools, we compile a unique, personalized development plan for the client, that contains:
- A scheme for innovation and management, in addition to intellectual property concerns, as a means of advancing the strategic development of the business.
- A plan for development, extroversion and competitiveness of the business, incorporating open innovation strategies.
- The integration and implementation of a research and innovation strategy, fully in line with the company’s goals and vision.
- The planning, reforming and restructuring of departments and processes for research and development of new products/services.
The owner and Director of RISE, Constantinos Kokkinoplitis, is a certified IMP3rove consultant (Expert Guide for the IMP3rove platform of the Innovation Academy) specializing in matters of development and implementation of innovation strategy.